
The light of G-od is unique and of equal force and quality. A Sephira is in a way a “filter” that holds and transforms a certain part of this light into a particular force or attribute. A Sephira is the way the Creator reveals a part, an attribute or a quality of His will in the creation. The light divides into ten different gradations of its original emanation, each with its own qualities, characteristics and actions.

The straight Sephirot are arranged in three linear columns: right, left and middle, representing the guidance of the world in the manner of Kindness, rigor and mercy. On the right is the kindness column, on the left, the rigor column and in the middle, the mercy column, which makes the balance between the two other columns. This arrangement of ten Sephirot is the concept of all created, as everything that exits is made of ten energies.

There ten Sephirot that make the Sephirot tree are:

On the right: the kindness (‘Hesed) column with the Sephirot ‘Hokhma, ‘Hesed, and Netsa’h.

In the middle: the mercy (Ra’hamim) column with the Sephirot Keter, Tiferet, Yesod, and Malkhut

On the left: the rigor (Din) column with the Sephirot Binah, Gevurah, and Hod.

There is one more Sephira called Da’at, also in the mercy column, which is counted when Keter is not.


The first and most important of the Sephirot is Keter. It is complete kindness to all, even to the non – deserving. Like a crown that is above the head, it is not a part of the body, but represents the glory that is granted to whom it is on. The Sephira Keter encompasses all the other Sephirot and represents the divine will, its first expression and manifestation.

Its position is at the top of the center column, which corresponds to mercy. From it, are made the two most important Partsufim – configurations: ‘Atik Yomin and Arikh Anpin.
Its corresponding name is AHY- H אהי-ה –
Its corresponding Miluy (spelling) of name: ‘A”V – עב (72). The level of the soul associated with Keter is Ye’hida, its highest level. Its physical correspondence is the head


The second Sephira, ‘Hokhma, is also kindness to all, even to the non – deserving, but less than Keter, and not always. Keter being the will, ‘Hokhma is the first manifestation of the thought. It is the initial consciousness in its general form.

Its position is on top of the right column, which corresponds to ‘Hesed (Kindness). From it, is made the configuration Abah.
Its corresponding name is YH – י-ה, and its corresponding Miluy (spelling) of name is ‘A”V -עב (72).
Its physical correspondence is the right brain and its corresponding level of the soul is ‘Haya.


The third Sephira, Binah, is kindness to all, even to the less deserving, but from her, the rigors start. After the initial consciousness in ‘Hokhma, the role of Binah is to translate this general thought into a cognitive mode ready to be put in action.

Its position is at the top of the left column, which corresponds to Din (rigor). From it is made the configuration Imah.

Its corresponding name is YHV-H י-ה-ו-ה (but with the vowels of Elokim), and its corresponding Miluy (spelling) of name is SaG (63) – סג. Its physical correspondence is the left brain and its corresponding level of the soul is Neshama.


It is the fourth of the Sephirot, Da’at is counted when Keter is not. Its quality is the guidance that makes the equilibrium between ‘Hokhma and Binah.

Its position is at the center of the center column, which corresponds to ‘Ra’hamim (mercy).
Its corresponding name is AHV-H – אהו-ה

Its role is mainly to make the Mo’hin – directive force for configurations Z’A and Nukva.


The fourth Sephira, ‘Hesed, is complete kindness but to whom it is deserving. It is the quality of always giving and without limits, caring, expanding and reaching outwards to help and forgive. An excess of kindness becomes negative, as it could permit everything and anything without restriction, not wanting to punish.

Its position is in the middle of the right column, which corresponds to ‘Hesed (kindness). It is one of the Sephirot that make the configuration Z’A.
Its corresponding name is Elאל –

Its corresponding Miluy (spelling) of name is MaH (מה) 45. Its physical correspondence is the right arm and its corresponding level of the soul is Rua’h.


The fifth Sephira, Gevurah, is full rigor to whom it is deserving. It is the quality of restriction, limitation and severity. It restricts the excess of kindness of Sephira ‘Hesed, but is still influenced by it, fortunately, because complete rigor will be the destruction of anything not perfect.

Its position is in the middle of the left column, which corresponds to Din (rigor). It is one of the Sephirot that make the configuration Z’A.
Its corresponding name is Elohi-m אלהי-ם

Its corresponding Miluy (spelling) of name is MaH (מה) 45. Its physical correspondence is the left arm, and its corresponding level of the soul is Rua’h.


The sixth Sephira, Tiferet, is kindness and justice that make the equilibrium between the Sephirot ‘Hesed and Gevurah, between complete kindness and rigor. It is represented as the thorax in a body, which holds and maintains all the other members in their respective place.
Its position is in the middle of the center column, which corresponds to Ra’hamim (mercy). It is one of the Sephirot that make the configuration Z’A.
Its corresponding name is YHV-K י-ה-ו-ה

Its corresponding Miluy (spelling) of name is MaH (מה) 45. Its physical correspondence is the thorax, and its corresponding level of the soul is Rua’h.


The seventh Sephira, Netsa’h, is diminished kindness to whom it is deserving. It receives from Sephira Tiferet the new mitigated reality between Sephirot ‘Hesed and Gevurah, but drawn on the side of kindness, since Netsa’h is on the right column of bounty.
Its position is at the bottom of the right column, which corresponds to ‘Hesed (kindness). It is one of the Sephirot that make the configuration Z’A. Its corresponding name is YKVK Tsebaot יהו-ה -צבאות

Its corresponding Miluy (spelling) of name is MaH (45) (מה). Its physical correspondence is the right leg, and its corresponding level of the soul is Rua’h.


The eighth Sephira, Hod, is diminished rigor to whom it is deserving. It also receives from Sephira Tiferet the new mitigated reality between Sephirot ‘Hesed and Gevurah, but drawn on the rigor side, since Hod is on the left column of rigor.

Its position is at the bottom of the left column, which corresponds to Din (rigor). It is one of the Sephirot that make the configuration Z’A.

Its corresponding name is Elohi-m Tsebaot
-צבאות אלהי-ם

Its corresponding Miluy (spelling) of name is MaH (45) (מה). Its physical correspondence is the left leg, and its corresponding level of the soul is Rua’h.


The ninth Sephira, Yesod, makes the equilibrium between Sephira Netsa’h and Hod for the guidance and is the link or connection between all the superior Sephirot and the Sephira Malkhut. It is the point of convergence between the superior realms and the last Sephira of Malkhut, which will reflect the outflows of energies to man and the creation.

Its position is before the last Sephira, at the bottom of the center column, which corresponds to Ra’hamim (mercy). It is one of the Sephirot that make the configuration Z’A.
Its corresponding name is Shada- y — שד-י

Its corresponding Miluy (spelling) of name is MaH (45) (מה). Its physical correspondence is the masculine organ, and its corresponding level of the soul is Rua’h.


The tenth Sephira, Malkhut, translates all the superior emanations that are channeled through Sephira Yesod into one that is reflected to the creation. It is the link or connection between all the superior Sephirot and man. This relationship is bidirectional, as all that is communicated from below to the higher Sephirot will first go to Malkhut, and from it, to the Sephirot above it.

Its position is at the bottom of the center column, which corresponds to Ra’hamim (mercy). It makes the configuration Nukva, divided in two Partsufim: Ra’hel and Leah.
Its corresponding name is Adona-y –אדנ- י

Its corresponding Miluy of name is BaN (52) – בן. Its physical correspondence is the crown on the masculine organ and its corresponding level of the soul is Nefesh.